
Bienvenu au blogue. J’y écrirai, de temps à autre et selon mes humeurs, de petits textes sans conséquence pour quiconque désire les lire. Si leur lecture stimule une réflexion chez vous, n’hésitez pas à m’en faire part en ajoutant un commentaire.

Welcome to my blog. I’ll feed it, on an occasional basis and according to my mood, with short ramblings of no consequence for any who wish to read them. If they provoke a reaction on your part, don’t hesitate to let me know by adding a comment.

Industrial Designer and Educator with a passion for photography.


    1. Hello Terry
      What a pleasant surprise to hear from you. And many thanks for your encouraging comments. As you might imagine, this is a long sought after return to photography made possible by retirement. Hope life is treating you well.

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